Sunday, October 15, 2006

Scenes from the weekend.


This weekend was a doozie!

Yesterday, we had attended La Turista's Olive's Princess-themed birthday party at the Children's Museum at 1pm. Yay cake!!Then we went to a fund-raiser/Halloween carnival/Biscuit Brothers show at 3:30. The Geej only got about a 35 minute nap, so by the end of the day, she was running on fumes. But it was fun nonetheless.

Today was spent playing around the house, doing laundry, running errands, doing more laundry, picking up after Hurricaine Geej, and then doing this:

I've written before about how I'm blissfully at the end of a long hand-me-down clothes chain for little girl's stuff. (That's what you get for waiting to have kiddos until AFTER all your girlfriends are done.) So what I do when I receive these bags of bounty is go through them and put them in storage bins out in the garage until their time has come (seasonally and size-wise). So today I decided to pull out the 2T/fall/winter stuff just for grins (wishful thinking right? It was about 135 degrees here today with the humidity...grrr...). So my living room quickly became covered in Geej clothes as I pulled everything out and got it organized and ready to be transferred into her closet and dresser if it ever actually gets cool enough to wear any of it. Man, was there come cute stuff in there!! Little coats and sweaters, Christmas dresses, pajamas, shoes and boots. We are really blessed.

Also tonight...drum roll...THE GEEJ WENT TEE TEE IN THE POTTY!! I know this is the most mundane, boring factoid ever for those of you who've never gone through the joy of potty training a toddler, but seriously: It's a big fucking deal. She's been using the potty sporadically at her new school, but never ever at home. Sure, she'll sit on it and dink around till the cows come home, but there's never been any results. Until tonight. I literally got tears in my eyes when it happened. I'm praying that we'll be potty trained by Christmas so that Santa can bring her a year's supply of big girl panties. Not having to buy diapers/pull ups will be like getting a damn raise.

Okay, tomorrow's the first day back at the office. I'm hoping I don't fall asleep at my desk come 2:30. Adjusting to a life without afternoon naps is going to be a challenge.


La Turista said...

Hooray for teetee! It IS a big damn deal, so celebrate all you want.

And good luck tomorrow. But remember, you be the boss lady now, so if you need to close your eyes and put your little head down for a few minutes, DO IT.

And thanks for the princess pic - hilarious.

Anonymous said...

When Max decided that he was potty trained, I took him out to by Big Boy Underwear. Of course, I was used to buying diapers by the truckload, and it, for some reason, didn't occur to me that you could actually WASH said Big Boy Underwear.

We can home with over 40 pairs of underwear.

I am sending happy work thoughts your way. Go slowly. Seriously.

Me said...

Yea, Geej!!!!!

And hope your first day back goes well.

Good thoughts headed your way, and be sure and rest tonight.

Eileen :)