Sunday, February 18, 2007

I've got three things to say, then I'm going to bed:

1) THIS is why it's called the Pine Curtain, people. So pretty, isn't it? This particular photo was taken on an unusually crisp morning right outside of Mr. Wonderful's dad's lakehouse. And here's another shot, just cuz I like you.

2) Want a hardcore lesson in sexual frustration? Go for a weekender with your long-distance boyfriend (who you only get to see every 6 to 8 weeks or so as it is) and your (very clingy) toddler and his two kids and his dad and his dad's two cats and Mr. Wonderful's brother and sister-in-law and their two teenagers and three dogs and rabbit. And also factor in that about half of this cast of characters (humans only and including your boyfriend) is sick with some sort of hacking, wheezing ailment, and then you might begin to get what I'm talking about.

3) Pile on top of this that you found out, somewhat causally, that your stepsister has alerted your mother to the fact that you have blog--a fact that you've held near and dear to your heart, as a means of no-holds-barred self expression for YEARS now, and that--now that they know about it and are surely reading it--you're going to have to either quit blogging completely or migrate elsewhere so that you can have anonymity you crave.
Fuck, Internets.
If I do this, I will be the 3rd of my blogger bitches who's had to do this recently because they've been "found out." This sucks. I mean, it really, really does.
Fuck. (Yeah Mom, I said "Fuck" again. It's one of my most favorite words. Keep reading. Please...)

This wasn't a very good weekend.


Karla said...

Yep. If you are a blogger you are bound to be found out by family.

You just ARE.

Sorry you got busted....but I don't want to lose you!

Anonymous said...

Oh honey I feel for you. Truly.

Whatever you do DON'T stop blogging -- you can be like me and switch to another format. Wordpress migrated my whole blog, so I didn't lose anything.

Of course it was my BFF that outed me, and I still haven't given her the new address. Once I do I'm going to password-protect it on her laptop.

Me said...

My family knows about the first blog, but they don't know I ditched it and started fresh (which sucks ass, btw). Hope you don't have to do that.

Sorry your weekend wasn't what you'd hoped.

Anonymous said...

Are you still in bed? Sheesh. Email me if you switch your blog somewhere. Love, Lane

Anonymous said...

Visiting a place that makes up a part of my foundation often makes me feel unsettled. I have a friend that once wrote an essay on the idea, concept, or perhaps the responsibility of the 'home-place'. By the way, he grew up in what I would call a 'pine curtain'. When I read the thing I felt a sense of community, as well as, a sense of unease; I still do. It is a strong reaction. Gutteral. It is my leg lurching forward when the doctor checks my reflexes.

Interlude: Motor skills are important. Something I wonder about for myself.

I have no conscious control over my reflexes. It is me. My reaction to homeplace has become instinct. I hope that you can find those things that warrant grabbing onto.

Dan und Tammi