Sunday, August 14, 2005

Motherhood + Hangover = 3rd Circle of Hell

I know I only have myself and 6,000 glasses of Pinot Grigio to blame, but man do I ever feel like Hell. Ugh. I seem to recall hitting on a gay man for a while. And I have two mystery injuries on my knees, which means I fell down at some point during the evening. Classy! And I vaguely remember grabbing the mike of one of the cheesy Sweeny Sisters-esque wedding singers and belting out the Jane Wiedlin part in the bridge of "Our Lips Are Sealed" and later, posing for compromising digital photos at the Bar at the Four Seasons. My significant cleavage and pointy tongue will be coming to a website near you soon, I'm sure.

I got some Luby's to Go (praise be to the fried fish/mashed potato combo), have taken a shower, drunk a Dr. Pepper and swallowed a handful of aspirin. I'm praying I begin to feel somewhat human sometime before nightfall. Meanwhile, the Geej just took a momentous dump in her diaper. Oh God. I think I may hurl for real.

1 comment:

Badger said...

You know, I was feeling all pissy that I was the only one who woke up with a hangover Friday morning. But I feel better now. ;)