Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Ex-Husbands Suck

The following is the text from an e-mail titled "Personal e-mail, difficult subject" that I got from my ex a little over a week ago. (The misspellings are his.):

"I'm really sorry to do this, but I'm in a situation that forces me to contact you about you and me. This is an incredibly difficult email to write because I really hate the reason behind contacting you (especially since we've communicated in a nice way the last few times) Essentially I'm forced to contact you about something. And it might hurt you to read. Please know I fought against not having to do this, but ...

Here's the story: I'm dating a Catholic. Have for some time. A very unfair and mean aspect of the Catholic Church's control over its followers is their view of divorce. Basically they don't recognize a divorce until they, themselves, have recognized it through an anulment process. So for me to have much more to do with this person I've had to enter in an anulment application to them. I have no problem doing this, really, except for one very small part of the application where it mandates you need to be contacted to be told that the anulment is going forward, etc.

This is all ridiculous, because neither you or I are Catholic, nor am I intending to become Catholic (especially with this as an introduction) but I'm dating a Catholic, and this is the way it is with them.

There's no need for you to do anything, actually. They just need to send you a piece of mail saying the anulment process is going on. The priest person even said you can just toss it in the trash. You can also contest the anulment if that's your wish. It all sounds very beurocratic and personally invasive, mean, etc. I've grown to really resent the Catholic Church over this whole thing, and I hate having to contact you over it.

How does this all go over on you? Is there an address I can give them? Again, I really hate having to do this. I'm really sorry."

Ugh. What a pussy. Just another way for him to distance himself from the fact that he walked out on me and our marriage like a 9th grader breaks up with his girlfriend between homeroom and gym. I'm sure since she's such a good Catholic, that they haven't had premarital sex or used any sort of birth control. Because that would be hypocritical. Sort of like saying you want to marry me in front of all of our friends and family and then walking out on me after 9 months.

That's what I should've said in my reply. But it appears I too am a pussy. Here's what I said:

"I assume that if you're at this phase in your relationship, you two are talking marriage. Congratulations and good luck.

Send it to this address:
1234 Anywhere Dr. (I gave him my real address. But I'm not giving it to you suckers.)
Austin, TX 78731

I understand that it must've been weird for you to have to write that e-mail. And yes, I will just toss it in the trash when I get the letter. The Catholic church is a misogynistic, invasive, bullshit organization, not built upon principles of spirituality, but on rules that insure its own self-preservation. The original 'good ol' boys' club. But that's just my pea-pickin' opinion."

How come I let this get to me? I mean, for some reason, this really, really pissed me off. And it's not because he's with someone else. I could give two shits about that. It's just that something about the overly apologetic tone of the e-mail that seriously rubbed me the wrong way.


hotpinksox said...

Hey It’s A here, P friend. (I’m not going to say my name but you how me. I work across the street.) How are you doing? I read this BS your ex gave you about getting an annulment. I'm no "good" Catholic but I do know it's not easy to have an annulment in the catholic church. This might help answer any questions: And OH MY GOD The Geej is precious and congratulations.

Anonymous said...

So...I had quite a long tirade of man hating written and decided to delete it all because it all just boils down to this one small simply undeniable fact...MEN SUCK!

Anonymous said...

Your ex sounds like a total A-hole. I can totally relate. Thanks for sharing this. You are so much better off without that wingding.