I've never been a good journal keeper. I've started plenty of them, but I peter out after a few weeks or months of somewhat regular writing. I have, however, kept a yearly calendar since I was in junior high. What this is/has been is a small daily calendar, onto which I write significant (and not-so-significant) goings on and events. Recently, I found my calendars from 1985 and 1986. They're those free pocket-sized date books they give away every year at the Hallmark store, and they're quite tattered and frayed. In them are all sorts of code marks for when I had my period, did drugs, got drunk, or made out with boys. (And by "made out," I mean just that: Kissing. Heavy petting. Dry humping. I was a pretty good girl back in those days. It wasn't until college that I became a full blown slut. But that's a different post...)
To put things in perspective, I was 16 at the beginning of 1985--a junior in high school. (I would post a photo of me back then, but my hair was so permed and humongous, that it wouldn't fit on your computer screen. Trust me.) I was an A-student, and although I ran with the popular crowd, I also hung with the band geeks, the vocational (or "VoCo") wing stoners, the theater nerds, and the Honor Society goobs. I was tall, lanky, totally ungraceful, had NO boobs and was known for being goofy and funny. I drove a 1984 Buick Skyhawk coupe with a bitchin' Pioneer stereo complete with an equalizer/power booster and loud ass speakers for rocking my Billy Squier and Def Leppard tapes.
Here are just a few highlights from the calendars, with a tiny bit of editorializing. Enjoy!
1985January 10--Rod Stewart concert in Dallas (I didn't get to go, by the way.)
16--Take $4 to band
1--Snow! No school! (I remember that snow storm. We tied sleds to the back of Sammy Roach's Firebird, and he drove us around my neighborhood, slamming us into the curb every time he took a corner.)
9--U.I.L Tournament
16--BAND BANQUET!! Triumph concert (I went to the banquet...)
25--U2 concert (Unforgettable Fire tour. I went. It was awesome.)
19--G.B. (Which means I made out with Greg Butts. He was a senior soccer player with a TOTAL chili bowl haircut. Eww.)
20--Band contest!
22--Funeral (My great grandfather)
22 to 26--Flag workshop (Yes. I was in the flag corps. Don't hate.)
2 to 6--Band trip to Corpus Christi (This was SO lame, but we thought it was so much fun. We took buses down there to march in the Buccaneer Days parade. In wool uniforms. In May. It pretty much sucked.)
8 to 10--Flag Workshops
14--Flag tryouts: YAY!!
16--Spring concert
17--Prom night (I didn't go)
24--Last day of school
25--PARTY!! (Took Ecstasy...noted with a tiny "X" on that day in the calendar.)
6--Made out with Jason Barber. Took X. (Sigh. Jason Barber. He looked like Robert Downey Junior and did almost as many drugs. He and I were good friends, but every now and then, we'd get wasted and make out.)
7--Swimming party
8--Made out with Jason Barber.
14--Cara's birthday. Took X.
16 to 21--Flag Camp at East Texas State University (Does it get any more dorky than FLAG CAMP?!)
23--Made out with Jason Barber; Left for summer camp
July5--Huey Lewis's birthday (I must explain: My best friend at the time was OBSESSED with Huey Lewis. And as her best friend, I encouraged her psychosis.)
6--Home from summer camp
August12 to 17--Band camp in Oklahoma (Oh wait, it DOES get dorkier than Flag Camp! And in Okla-fucking-homa. All I remember about it was sweating and dodging scorpions.)
18--Took X. (Well what do you expect? I'd just gotten back from a week in Band Camp hell!)
September 7--Made out with Bud Felker (Yes, that was his real name.)
25--Finish reading
Alas, BabylonOctober6--No BF (which means Bud and I broke up.)
8--Miles Darby (my new crush) came over
10--David Lee Roth's birthday. Made out with Miles.
12--Made out with Miles
13--Made out with Miles
17--Made out with Miles
19--Perm appointment. Made out with Miles.
22--PSAT Test. Made out with Miles.
25--Made out with Miles.
26--Marching contest in Marshall. Made out with Miles.
27--Made out with Miles
28--Camp Huawni pizza party. Made out with Miles.
29--Made out with Miles.
30--Made out with Miles.
November2--Marching contest in Mesquite.
10 to 12--State marching contest. Austin.
23--2 month anniversary with Miles.
11--Miles and I broke up. Took X.
26--Miles came over.
30--Made out with Miles.
31--Made out with Miles.
18--T4C (I have no idea what the code "T4C" means. I'm sure it's something I shouldn't have been doing.)
19--T4C (I did it again!! What the hell was it?!)
24--Loverboy concert (I think Zebra opened up for them. I'm sure it totally rocked.)
February 8--Band Banquet
March 15--SAT test
27--Van Halen!!!!
11--Took X.
21--Texas Sesquicentenial
26--Clubbin' in Shreveport w/Rod McNew (Oh. My. God. "Clubbin'")
8 to 10--XIT Rodeo in Dalhart
15--Clubbin' at Ferrari's w/Susie (CLUBBIN'?!! At Ferrari's, no less...)
22--10pm to 6am lock-in at Oakland Heights Baptist Church
23--J1B (Which means I "did it" for the first time ever in my whole life with Jason Barber. The night after the church lock-in. Nice.)
28--J2B (I'll let you figure out what that means.)
29--To Austin! (This was the trip when I figured out that I wanted to live in Austin forever and ever...)
30--Laci's Party
10--Orthodontist, 10:45; Young Republicans mtg., 3:45 (WHAT?! Jesus what was wrong with me?! I wasn't even voting age at this point. Must've been all the X I took in '85...)
22--Huey Lewis concert at SFA
23--7:00, Young Republicans (At least I was dedicated...)
26--Huey Lewis concert in College Station
27--Huey Lewis concert in Austin
29--College shirt day at school
October 7--Young Republicans, 8:30
15--Phone bank (...for the Young Republicans, dontcha know. We were trying to get Bill Clements re-elected as governor.)
16--Young Republicans
22--Phone bank, 6 - 9pm
25--ACT Test
3--Youn Republicans phone bank; Student council
28--Made out with Miles Darby (A blast from the past, no?)
December 4--Made out with somebody with the initials "MC"
8--Made out with the mysterious MC again
9--Made out with someone with the initials "CM." (Charlie Merriman perhaps? I don't even know. What a little ho-bag!!)
14--Made out with MC
16--Made out with CM
17--Miles Darby home. (He was off at college by this point. But why did I even care that he was coming home with all the MC and CM action I had going on?)