Monday, November 06, 2006


So I guess it's clear that I have fallen way short of achieving my NoBloPoMo goal. Oh well. I knew that November was going to start out busy what with Mr. Wonderful's visit and all, so maybe I shouldn't have tried to make the committment in the first place. I'm clearly feeling some guilt about the whole thing, but I'll try and survive.

This weekend was great. We had a fabulous time. We hung out with my friends on Friday night, his friends on Saturday night, Borat on Sunday afternoon (OMG, the wrestling scene?!), and The Geej on Sunday night. He had to leave at 4 freakin' 30 this morning to catch an airport shuttle for an obscenely early departing flight. I already miss him so much it's silly. And yes, I'll be going to sleep at 9:00pm tonight since I woke up at 3:00am this morning.

It's back in the 80s here. The MUGGY 80s. And there are people outside the store where I work putting Christmas lights on the trees that line the sidewalk. They're sweating their asses off. Ho! Ho! Ho!

Speaking of holidays, my mother is driving me NUTS with her hyper-excitement over the fact that she's hosting Thanksgiving at her house. Every single day I get an e-mail from her with the Thanksgiving-related info or questions or updates. God, I'm going to have to stay so liquored up just so I can deal with her that weekend. Before you call CPS, please know that there'll be lots of other adults there to help oversee The Geej.

1 comment:

Badger said...

Take it from a veteran mom: if you sleep a little booze to the Geej, she'll take a nice long nap and won't need any supervision!

What? Is that wrong?