Wednesday, November 10, 2010

What a FIND!!

People, you need to see what I found on YouTube:

In Longview, you get a real East Texas experience!!

Also, I need to know where I can buy those dolls at 6:19.

(Actually, the first video that comes up when you plug "Longview Texas" into the YouTube search box is this. I wonder why the "East Texas Experience" video doesn't mention "Hood Fights" as one of the hallmarks of the area.)


Martin N said...

"Oh! I didn't see ya there. I was just sitting here enjoyin' my beans. I love beans. Big hot fat beans. Ooh, but don't get me started about beans, or else I'll be jabberin' on for hours. You know? There *is* a story I'd like to tell you. It's the story.... of Longview"

Anonymous said...

Titty City at 1:31.

Karla May said...

Oh I know, Anonymous. I saw those familiar domes as well...