I have escaped from behind the fabled Pine Curtain of northeast Texas. I have learned much. Here is my tale...
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Today, tomorrow, and the next day.
Boo, y'all.
I will rustle up my little goblin, go to friend's house, put goblin in her costume, go trick-or-treating with goblin and her little goblin buddies. Go home. Wrestle candy from goblin. Put goblin to bed.
Tomorrow I fly to Colorado.
Mr. Wonderful picks me up at the airport and we go to his town, 2+ hours away. We hang out with his friends and kiddos.
The next day, we move.
That's right: on Saturday, we (me, Mr. Wonderful, his dog Shiloh and his leopard gecko Leo) pile in the U-Haul and head for Austin.
He's moving here. He's moving in. Oh. My. God.
Everything's about to change. Wish us luck, people.
Monday, October 29, 2007
One of my proudest moments as a mom:

Sunday, October 28, 2007
We need glitter, STAT!!
Check those chicks out!! They are focused on the mission at hand: take care of the babies, and be princess-y and fashion forward at the same time. Awesome.
And here they are administering care to a very special patient...right before they had to go do princess-type stuff, involving crowns and whatnot.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Proof #1: The Geej
Taken at a little Halloween carnival thingie we went to today. Notice: That's NOT Sally with her. I actually convinced her to bring a second-tier baby (named "Pumpkin" appropriately enough) with us since Sally's so big and hard to carry. You want some more proof? Okay, if you insist...
Dudes, she was LOVING that lollipop. She's so obsessed with candy, that I'm actually terrified of the whole trick-or-treating thing. She's going to lose her mind.
One more: Geej climbing up the ladder to the slide.
ARGGGH!! The cuteness!!
Proof #2: Earl sleeping with his tongue sticking out:
He does this kind of a lot. You can touch the sticky-out part of his tongue, and it's as dry as paper. And then he just opens his eyes and looks at you all drowsy and starts purring...with his tongue sticking out. Cute as hell.
That is all. More tomorrow.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
I'm sorry.
See? Isn't that pretty? Don't you feel better?
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Clearly, he never earned his "Camping" badge in Scouts.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
The Post of the Beast.

Speaking of Satan, how 'bout those wildfires in Southern California? Damn, y'all. If it's not earthquakes and mudslides, it's wildfires, killer traffic jams, outrageous real estate prices, and Britney Spears. I do not envy the people in SoCal. But that doesn't mean I want them to move here. We're all full up.
On a lighter note, I'm pretty sure that The Dark One had little to do with our SPECTACULAR fall (finally!) weather here today. Simply amazingly crisp and clear and perfect.
Other things that I'm currently loving:
- "America's Most Smartest Model" on VH-1. I LIVE for t.v. like this.
- Kiss My Face "C's The Day" body moisturizer
- Honeycrisp apples
- Assassination Vacation by Sarah Vowell. It's comedy and American History all rolled into one. What's not to love?
- Celestial Seasonings "Tension Tamer" tea
- Koriente
- My Pure Beech 100% Modal Jersey sheets
- The 19 year old pajamas I'm wearing
Monday, October 22, 2007
One of my favorite signs in Austin.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Cat Biscuits Explained and Other Stuff
I'm really sorry I haven't been posting more. I'm just tired and uninspired. You know how it goes... Sometimes you've got the blog mojo, sometimes you don't.
This week was super busy (as I mentioned), and the coming week promises more of the same. I did manage to go see a kick ass show this week at La Zona Rosa: The Tragically Hip, who happen to be one of my top five all time favorite bands. This was either the 7th or 8th time I've seen them live, but it has been a few years. It was great to see they're still as awesome live as I remembered. And Gordon Downie is simply one of the best front men out there. Period.
Another thing I did this week? Finally finished reading this. Do I feel smarter? Hell to the yes. I'm totally getting the American History edition for myself for Christmas...
Thursday was my three year blogging anniversary and eight year anniversary at work, and I was so busy, I barely remembered either event. So happy belated bloggiversary to me!!
And finally, I got a gabbity ("cavity" in Geej speak) filled on Wednesday. WTF, people?! I go 36 years without getting one single cavity, and then I have 3 in two years. Pisses me off...
Friday, October 19, 2007
Dispatches from 4:32am
God, he's rotten. Do you see how much of the actual bed he's managing to take up? Good lord...
Monday, October 15, 2007
More soon.
Our work meetings were intense and inspirational. The weather was perfect. The leaves were changing. I got to hang out with Mr. Wonderful. It was all good.
Also, I devised a new drinking game*:
Next time you're in the Denver/Boulder area, drive around with an open bottle of Jagermeister in the car. Every time you see a Subaru wagon, take a shot. Trust me: this is a GREAT idea.
I've got photos and stories to post tomorrow. But for now, I'm going to bed.
*No, I didn't actually do this, because I would be dead of alcohol poisoning and/or stupidity. Seriously, it's RIDICULOUS how many Subaru wagons roam the streets of Boulder. I know they've got the all-wheel drive and whatnot, and that's good with snow. But still... I'm surprised you don't get politely escorted to the state line if you're not in a Subaru...or a Prius. There were lots of those too.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
So long, suckers.
Where the leaves are changing, there's almost no humidity, the high temps are in the low 70s and it's getting into the low 40s at night.
Oh HELL yes!
I'm even packing a jacket, fools! Yippee!!!
Granted, I will be spending most of my waking hours tomorrow and Friday locked in a conference room in meetings, but hey, I'll take it how I can get it.
I check back with y'all soon!
Monday, October 08, 2007
Meanwhile, back at the ranch...
- Take a little hay ride.
- Groom a minature horse.
- Get honked at by a cranky goose. (Are there any other kind, by the way?)
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Other goings on...
Okay, now down to haps.
This week was crazybusy at work. First off, it was a short week for me since I took Monday off. Then it was like--Bam!--meetings, meetings, meetings, lunch with new team, appointment, meetings, parent/teacher conference, meeting, team appreciation lunch, offsite meeting, 5:00pm Friday. I mean, seriously. Whoooooosh.
Monday my small team officially joined a new larger team at work. There are good things about this "merger", and things about it that still remain to be seen. I'm in protective "mother hen" mode at the moment with the whole situation. At any rate, it's new, and if there's one thing that is constant about where I work, there's always something "NEW" going on.
I went to a work-related reception thingie on Wednesday evening. It was nice, but gosh that shit's just awkward. I'm chatty as hell, but I'm not one of those folks who likes to go up and just initiate random, work-related conversation with someone I don't know. But I did, and it was fine. As long as this type of schmooze-fest isn't a regular part of what I do at work, I'm golden.
I had Geej's parent/teacher conference on Thursday afternoon. Let me set the scene for you:
Her teachers--Mr. Gabe and Miss Kim--and I are seated on the "circle time" circle in the middle of their feng shui-ed/bamboo-floored classroom, while the class rat Hunka Munka runs around between us, crawling all over us at various points. It was freakin' awesome. The basic report is this: She's doing incredibly well, especially considering how different the "Primary" class (with all 4 and 5 yr. olds except for her and her friend Kennedy) is from the "Pre-primary" class she came from. The only issue? Her tendency to be a bit...um...bossy. Seriously, I have no idea where she gets this from. (Nod, nod, wink wink.) We'll be working on this as hard as we can, but honestly? She's my kid: she's gonna be a Bossy McBossersons. There's not a whole lot I can do about it.
This week was going really well, actually, until yesterday morning when Earl woke me up barfing on the pillow next to my head. Some cats are barfy--Earl is not. So this was a tad bit weird. Well, by the time Geej and I were leaving for our day, he'd puked another 5 times. Lovely. When I got home, 3 semi-dry piles of upchuck greeted me. I took up his food and told myself that if he was still hurling today, we'd give the vet a call. Well, guess what. This morning, he threw up another 5 times before the crack of 10am, so I called my vet (who is open from 9am to 1pm on Saturdays). I explained what was going on, but they had two emergency surgeries going on, so they weren't going to be able to see my big, barfy boy. So they referred me to the emregency vet not too far from where I live. We took him, and nothing unusual was found during the regular exam (of course), so they guilted me into a shitload of diagnostic testing and x-raying and whatnot. Now, he's home with me hydrated and anti-nausea medicated, and x-rayed, and CBC-ed. But at least he hasn't blown chunks since we got home. Even if I am $500 poorer, I'm glad to know he's feeling better. I hope he STAYS better, because I don't think I can afford another trip to the vet right now. Oh! And get this: My little fatty has lost TWO pounds since his annual exam last year. I totally attibute this to the fact that I transitioned him to "light" food after Ellen was no longer with us. He's still HUGE, but not as enormous as he used to be. Good boy...
Other things:
Mr. Wonderful starts his new job on 11/12, so he and I are trying to figure out the logistics of getting his ass down here. Right now, it's looking like I'll be flying up there to help him drive the U-Haul down here on 11/1. Oh. My. GOD!! I'm so freakin' excited. And I've got SO much to do to ger ready for him to arrive. I smell a garage sale in my immediate future...I gots to make some room, fools!
Speaking of Mr. W., I am heading to Boulder, CO next week with my entire work team to meet with our parallel team at the company we're merging with, and Mr. W. and I are going to be able to spend a wee bit of time together at the end of my trip. Boulder in October? GORGEOUS. I can't wait.
Geej and I are going to a birthday party tomorrow where there will be a pony for riding. Last time she had the opportunity to ride a pony, she was too scared. But she's been talking about this and fired up for a week now, so we'll see if she is ready to go for it. I hope so, because how else am I going to get her interested in this: Welcome to Ponyville! Holy CRAP, people!! How do I protect my daughter from this marketing onslaught? Jesus H. Christ. Speaking of...I have a whole bitchtastic post brewing about the whole branding/marketing thing and kiddos. I know it's not groundbreaking, but I'm just now facing it with my kiddo, and it makes me wanna punch someone in a suit. Hard.
Okay, I have so much more to write, but it's clogging my brain and I'm too tired. So I'll leave you with this piece of advice:
Do yourself a favor, and treat yourself to this month's playlist at davidbyrne.com. It's based on a cross-country driving trip he did with his daughter, and it's perfection. If I weren't already in love with Mr. Wonderful, I would TOTALLY stalk David Byrne.
Friday, October 05, 2007
This one's for you, Julie.
O.U. Sucks!
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Cool* things I've done recently.
- Bought this online: `
- Accidentally stabbed myself in the knuckle with a fork. Hard.
- Spent $157 at Target when all I stopped in for was Q-tips and lipstick.
- Painfully bruised the backside of my hand without knowing exactly how I did it.
- Tried to cut a cherry tomato in half at a group lunch at work, only to have its innards shoot onto my shirt and into my hair like the money shot in a 70s porno.
- Seriously discussed the whole Britney meltdown stuff. Twice.
- Ate grilled pineapple (YUM!).
- Spent over $1,000 getting my car tuned up and cleaned up.
- Got a manicure. I've gotten like 5 manicures in my entire life, so this is a big deal. And my nails still look freakin' AWESOME.
- Re-read my "Trip 2" adoption journal. Realized how fucking scared and ill I was during that trip.
- Somehow stumbled into a doorknob backwards and ended up with the nastiest bruise I've had in years...right in the middle of my back.
- Managed to avoid shaving my legs, for like, weeks.
- Finally FINALLY sold my old engagement/wedding set and split the proceeds between my retirement account and The Geej's college fund.
- Bought a really good potato masher, then mashed some potatoes.
- Got rid of the nasty, moldy love seat that was out on my deck.
- Scheduled an appointment with a window coverings place to get my kitchen window taken care of.
- Had insomnia over work stuff.
- Watched Pablo bother Ramsey about a dozen times:
So there you have it, Super Friends: Further proof that it is TOTALLY worth your time and effort to read this blog, as it is ALWAYS loaded with the most interesting, fascinating information ever.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Reunion Weekend Recap
- For the most part, my female classmates are looking a lot better than the males. Lots of hair loss and puffiness going on among the men.
- No one seemed surprised in the least that Mr. W. and I are a couple.
- There's a skanky area between Longview and the lake where Mr. W's dad lives called "Whisky Bend." It's literally a bend in the highway that's chock full of liquor stores and skeezy clubs on both sides of the road. I happened to notice in our travels to and fro that there is a club called "Streakers Gentleman's Club" and next door to it, "Club B.J." I wish I were kidding.
- I saw "Meth Watch" signs on the city limits signs going into an east Texas town. It was hanging there like it's a point of civic pride or something. Wow.
- Longview has a really high number of pimped out "Fast and Furious" type vehicles per capita.
- Mr. W's stepdad Jim is a super nice guy. He's one of those great older Texan dudes with a substantial belly on him. So of course the Geej asked him, "Do you have a baby in your tummy? Can I touch it?" after we had just lunched with them. God, I wanted to fall through the asphalt.