Sunday, February 26, 2006

Screw you, Austin-American Statesman!!

I am so glad I don't own a firearm. Because, I swear, I would march right down there to South Congress/Riverside Drive and take out the entire telemarketing department.

I've taken the stupid ol' Statesman on weekends forever. Weekends only. That's all I want. If I wanted more, I'd fucking sign up for it. I'm not retarded. I can figure it out. But the fact that I'm ALREADY A DAMN SUBSCRIBER does not shield me from the terror that is their telemarketing department. Even when I lived at my previous residence and had an unlisted number, I'd still get a call from them about every 6 weeks, asking if I'd like to take advantage of a "special offer" and increase my subscription to daily...for free!!! And no matter how many times I turned them down and asked that they take my name off of their calling list, I'd still see them on my caller ID from time-to-time, and it just PISSED me off.

Flash forward. I've moved. Worse yet: I've bought a home, which means that you're suddenly enrolled on every junk mail and telemarketing list known to man. And although I've signed up for the bogus as hell "Do Not Call" list, I'm still getting--at the least--3 telemarketing calls A DAY! And the fucking Statesman is the worst offender. I have officially asked them 3 times now--THREE TIMES--since late November to take me off their stupid call list, and still they call. Friday night, I picked up the phone when I saw it was them calling and answered by saying, "Seriously, ya'll have GOT TO TAKE ME OFF YOUR LIST." The poor bastard on the other end of the line counters with: "Is there any reason you don't take the paper?" And I practically jumped through the phone with my hands around his throat: "I DO TAKE THE PAPER!!! And I've asked you guys two times already to take me off your call list (two times since the move, mind you...NUMEROUS times prior to), and ya'll just keep on calling. Every day when I get home from work, there's a call from ya'll on my caller ID. It's ridiculous!!" He comes back with some mumbo jumbo about how he needs to associate my new phone number with my subscription and then the calls should stop. That was Friday night. Since then they've shown up on my caller ID Saturday AND Sunday.

I'm about to go postal ya'll...


Badger said...

Oooh, can I come along and help waste those motherfuckers? We take the paper daily, but we have two phone lines and they call the second one AT LEAST once a day. Usually more. And we've asked to be taken off the list too, repeatedly.

Between that and the fucking delivery guy throwing my paper in the middle of my rain-soaked lawn EVERY SINGLE TIME, I am SO ready to go medieval on ALL their asses.

La Turista said...

Dude - I am so with you. We take the paper EVERYDAY, and they still call us! Usually I don't answer when I see it's "them" calling, but every once in a while I'll answer just to unload on someone. One time I told the guy that unless he could add another day to the week, we couldn't take the paper anymore than we already do, and that if anybody called again, we would be cancelling our subscription altogether. I can't believe some wizard over there hasn't come up with a program for cross-referencing subscribers with the poor bastards the telemarketers harrass every night. And the REAL kick in the ass is the paper pretty much sucks anyway!

Karla May said...

I really think I should write a well-written but foul-mouthed diatraibe against them and this practice, and see how many people I can get to sign it. If I get more than like 1,000, I'm sure we'd get a mention in the Chronicle, just as a big "fuck you" (and because, hey, I know people who work at the Chronicle).

Seriously. The madness must stop.

Karla said...

I think the do not call list only applies to comapnies with which you have not previously done business. If you are a client, they can still call you. I remember reading that.

Call the STatesman yourself and complain.

Karla May said...

jaztpdMonday night they called again. Twice. If the Statesman were a person, I'd file harassment charges with the APD.

Anonymous said...

I work for the Austin American Statesman. I can take the numbers out please just email at
I am a Supervisor for the telemarketing department. I can help you if you are still getting calls. We go by numbers so if you sign up with one number and you move or just say I get the paper we don't have an account with that number. Please just email with any questions