Wednesday, March 01, 2006

stupid stupid stupid

Yesterday when I was driving home from work, I'd just crossed over 360 on MoPac, and these two imbeciles on crotch rocket motorcycles came hauling ass by, weaving in and out of the dense traffic, riding in between the lanes, scaring the shit out of everyone. And just to make sure everyone knew what supreme assholes they were, they each took turns popping up on to the back wheel and driving about 75 mph while at a 45-degree angle. I'd say these two are hardcore contenders for the Darwin Awards for 2006.


Bookhart said...


Badger said...

My dad thinks you should be able to kill a certain number of these guys per season. You know, like deer.

Anonymous said...

There are few things that bother me more. Idiocy and entitlement. Wait - sounds like the current administration.

Anonymous said...

Oh, so that's where my boyfriend was yesterday. I like 'em young, dumb and overly insured.

Millardman said...

Hey KMC, in California, these nutjobs are allowed to cut to the front of a red light line. They love to speed up to the front. i always wanted to stick my hand out the window and knock one off. That sounded a bit macho. Maybe i should get a bike?