Tuesday, November 22, 2005

I hope to be so lucky.

This is a photo of my mom Cheryl, with the Geej, taken this weekend. My mom will be 60 at the end of January. She's the same age as Harriet Miers (and we all remember how scary and witch-like she is). I gotta say, my mom looks damn good. And she hasn't had any "work" done (aside from a chemical peel a couple of years ago). Her mother was the same way--looked amazing until the day she died. I pray--PRAY--I got those genes. I mean, I got the famously large hips from that side of the family, so I figure I should also be thrown a genetic bone with the never-aging skin.


Badger said...

Your mom is hella cute. No wonder lesbians are hitting on her.

GoingLoopy said...

Dude, your mom does have kick-ass skin.

Karla said...

you BOTH have kick ass skin. Your mom rocks. I'd love for our moms to meet. Both so down to earth and no bullshit, It would be great.

Jaye Joseph said...

Your mom is hot. You guys both do have kick-ass skin. I have crappy skin, and I pay a fortune for it to look crappy rather than hella-crappy. Damn skin. Ooooohhhhh I want to eat the skin from the turkey today...I can't do that as a guest at someone else's house though, can I?