What's happened recently:
Work is going at Mach 5. No, really. I mean it. Cuh-rayzee-go-nuts.
Last week was the big conference in San Antonio, and it went well. The second night I was there, a big group of us gathered in one of the attendee's room to play Rock Band.
I tried to take the day off last Friday, but that didn't work out so well. After dropping Geej off at school, I went to yoga (nice), but then I made the mistake of checking my work e-mail when I got home, and 4 1/2 hours and one conference call later, I realized my "day off" was toast. Sigh.
Last weekend the weather was INSANELY beautiful, which is one of the reasons we chose to take the Geej to the Austin Nature and Science Center--our first time there.
Monday it was back to the office. Monday was not a good day. In fact, it sucked. I'm not going to go into details, but suffice it to say, I wasn't a very happy camper. Tuesday was worse, and the only thing that kept me going was the fact that I'd made arrangements with BH to pick up The Geej after school so I could go to a 6pm yoga class. Well, work dragged on, and I got out of there later than I wanted to, and then traffic sucked more than normal and--you guessed it--I missed the yoga class. So I went home and immediately made a martini. And then another. I also decided that part of what was frustrating me was that there was no end in sight from the business and suckiness at work. I had no vacation or break of any kind scheduled to look forward to. So I forced BH to humor me and we booked a long weekend trip to the beach in April. Yay!! I wrote it on my calendar, IN PEN.
Wednesday was better, even if I was a bit tired (and a tad hungover). After I picked Geej up from school, I took her for a much needed haircut (she was beginning to look like one of The Ramones), and OMFG does she ever look cute--a stacked bob, short in the back, slanting down to her chin, which is perfect for her super-straight hair.
Also on Wednesday night, I discovered this in the kitchen:
Tonight, BH discovered this at our friendly neighborhood Spec's:
Ladies and Gentlemen, would you like Sum Poosie?
Lee, I'm TOTALLY buying you a case of this stuff.
I probably won't be posting for another couple of days. My friend Lisa and her baby boy Henry (Geej calls him "Him-oh-wee" and is TOTALLY obsessed with him) are coming to visit, AND I'm going to see Ghostland Observatory, AND the Texas Independence Day parade is on Saturday AND the Zilker Kite Festival is on Sunday, AND I'm going to see Built to Spill. So yeah...busy times around Casa Karla May.
More soon.