Okay...where to begin.
OH! Yeah. I've been meaning to write about this for a while. To those of you whose blogs I normally comment on, if you haven't transferred to this damn "Blogger Beta" nonsense, then I can't comment on your blog. It's like when you travel into the future and you can't connect with the past because it will fuck up the entire world and shit. Did you ever see "Somewhere In Time?" It's like when Christopher Reeve pulls out that 1980s penny. I can't communicate directly with you Past-ians. But trust me, I'm still reading, cuz I love yer asses.
This weekend, several things happened that I'd like to share with you:
1) The Geej crossed a major potty-training threshold. Sorry to bore you with this, but this is major shit (pun intended) around our hacienda. I bribed her with some sparkly Santa stickers from Walgreen's and --boom!-- that little turkey is pretty much peeing in the potty full time now. Amazing. In like 3 days, she went from 5% to 100% success. Rumor has it that she went poop today at school, so now if I can just get her to do it at home. Santa's bringing her some big girl panties, and she's totally jazzed. God, she's getting so damn big.
2) We attended Bookhart's youngest's 3rd birthday extravaganza on Saturday evening. Can I just say: thank GOD for birthday gatherings that feature activities for the kiddos and adult beverages for the old folks. We had a blast.
In addition to covering the dining room table with paper and a gagillion stickers for the kiddos to go nuts with, Bookhart had covered the living room floor with paper and had colors for artistic expression. Brilliant!!
It's always helpful when there's a little girl's room FILLED with toys to explore.
Um...sorry Bookhart.
In between the devastation of The Wrecking Crew, there was one helluva bed jumping session that happened in Bookhart and Pod's bedroom (God bless 'em).
Malcontent Mama and I were spotters. It's more of a workout than you might imagine...
WHEEEEEEEEEE! God, to be 6 for an afternoon...
3) After nearly 2 weeks, I'm happy to say, my behemoth Christmas tree is finally decorated. I'm no Martha Stewart, but it looks pretty good despite it's severely bizarre and unmatched assortment of ornaments. There aren't any presents under it, so Earl has taken up semi-permanent residence under there. (Photos to come, of course.)
4) I finally FINALLY planned my next rendezvous with Mr. Wonderful. Mid-January. I hope the snow gods are with me, and actually allow this trip to happen. You never know with Colorado in January...
Okay. That's all I got. When I sat down and started writing this muthuh, I could've sworn I had more, but alas--my mind runs dry.
Until next time, go kiss an elf.
I transferred to Blogger Beta a few days ago, yipee!
Congrats to you and Geej on the potty. Woohoooo!
And yea to other stuff too, but I'm tired and will write more later.
I transferred yesterday to the Beta. But, now I can't see your pictures. What up blogger?
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