I have escaped from behind the fabled Pine Curtain of northeast Texas. I have learned much. Here is my tale...
Sunday, August 31, 2008
I know. I suck.
I keep having the almost-uncontrolable urge to cry. I'm having WICKED nightmares almost every night. And I have no blog mojo.
But I don't want to leave you empty handed. So pleae enjoy my latest YouTube offering: Our dog Shiloh doing her "happy dance"--now with SNEEZES!!
Friday, August 29, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
But I am indeed alive and well. I've got a big bullet-pointy update brewing, so I'll be doing that in the next day or so. If I can just...pull...myself...awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Come on in, the water's fine!
I caught Olympic fever, albeit a bit late in the game. The thing that caught me? The women's marathon finish this past weekend. I wept when the winner made her way into the Bird's Nest. And I don't even LIKE running!! But since then, I've been glued to the t.v. each night, staying up way too late to watch sports I normally don't care about. Damn you, Olympic fever! Let me be!
I scheduled and had a termite inspection done at the house today. Why? Well, paranoia basically. I'd had one done when I bought the house (back in late 2005), but not since then. Good news: We're termite free! Yay!
However, we DID kill a "roof rat" last night. I say "we", but really it was the brave and fearless BH who handled the whole thing (thank God). Being a wildlife biologist, he'd noticed some suspicious "droppings" on the roof of the house underneath where it and the deck roof meet. So he bought this evil looking trap and set it last night (with peanut butter) and when he checked this morning, grisly victory. I didn't look at the victim, but I could make out its outlines in the plastic shopping bag that served as its coffin, and that mofo was BIG, y'all. Ewww... BH claims we caught "the dumb one", but has set the trap again hoping for another, you know, capture.
Geej survived her first ever visit to the dentist yesterday. She was kind of freaked at the concept, but thanks to the VERY friendly atmosphere and totally kid-focused office space, she chilled out and did great. And how BIG does she look?
Why did I take this photo? So I could send it to her Dah who is on an Alaskan cruise this week. I'm SO jealous because it sounds like she is seeing some amazing sights and experiencing some exceptional weather. Today she took a helicopter tour of Glacier National Park. I'm so glad she's doing this!!
Today I also met with a cleaning service to see about getting them to clean our house periodically. Let me back up: my mom had a lady who cleaned our house FOR YEARS named Rosella. Anyway, she came once every other week, and did the big stuff that my mom couldn't get to b/c she worked full time and was a mom, etc. At the time, I was sort of horrified b/c I thought it was rather bourgeoisie. But, being a lazy teenager, I was secretly grateful that my lazy ass wasn't having to do the heavy lifting. Since then, however, I've been proud of how I've managed to keep a clean house and stay on top of things no matter how crazy busy my life has been. However, even though BH does his fair share of housework, the big stuff--cleaning the bathrooms, dusting, mopping the floors, etc.--eat up my weekends, and that? Sucks. So a couple of weeks ago, I'm on my way home on a Friday afternoon after a stressful week at work, and BH's boys were coming to visit, and all I could think about was, "I've got to get home and clean up the house." Like a sign from Jah, I ended up behind a cleaning service's van with its slogan: "Don't Go Home to a Second Job, " and I was like HELL YES, I shouldn't have to go home to a second job! I'm calling these people! I met with their rep today, and she couldn't have been more pleasant and professional. And their service sounds completely awesome and totally what I'm looking for. So we're starting them out at just a once-a-month cleaning, which should be plenty for us. If not--and if I can afford it--I'll bump it up to twice a month. I'm still feeling a bit guilty about having to enlist help for this part of my life, but right now, I really need it.
Speaking of stress relief...I finally went and got some acupuncture this week. I've done this before--for endometriosis and for sciatica, both times with great success--but it's been a while. I found this great local place, and hooked up with one of their practicioners, and am very happy with all of it. I'll be going for a weekly series of treatments for about a month and then go on maintenence. This is step one in Operation: Get Healthy Before I'm Freakin' Forty. Wish me luck.
Things at work seem a bit less grim this week, but there's still layoffs going on (in the regional offices) this week, so I'm feeling a lot of compassion (and worry) for my friends and colleagues who work in those offices. Just trying to keep focused and be productive and positive is my main goal at the moment.
I cannot wait until "Burn After Reading" comes out.
I'm happy that we've gotten a bit of rain this week. In fact, we got 1/2" in ye olde rain gauge yesterday. Wish we could get some more...
I won something!! Free lunch at this place (which is damn tasty, btw)! I put my business card in the proverbial fish bowl, and boom: I got an e-mail to tell me I'd won!! Why am I so excited? Because I swear that this is the first thing I've won since I won a strawberry sheet cake in the Kilgore Jaycee's cake walk at the city's Halloween carnival when I was 9. Honestly.
Okay. The U.S. just won beach volleyball gold, so I'm safe to turn off the tube and go to bed until I feel the fever tomorrow night.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Screw "Project Runway"! I want to watch "The Geej Fashion Breakdown"
"Baby with the action," indeed.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
What my week looked like:
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Going for the Gold!
U.S.A.! U.S.A.!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Just in case you were wondering...
- Bristol Stool Chart
- "Math is Hard" Barbie
- Masquerade Ball Prom Theme
- And my personal favorite: Reba McIntyre's Boobs
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Oh lordy. What have I done?
Then when I got home, THIS was happening:Just laying there, showing off his creamy twinkie-like center. Of course I buried my face in there and snorgled him mercilessly.
That's pretty much all that's happened around here lately. That, and lots and lots of sweating because it's been BRUTALLY hot. That tropical storm "Eduoard" that the news channels got so excited about was supposed to bring us some rain and some relief, but all it brought was some wicked humidity, which is SO pleasant when it's 102 outside. Blech.
Speaking of "blech," I must say how horribly disappointed I am in John Edwards. I really liked him and thought he was a smart guy. I can't believe he couldn't keep it in his pants. Shame on him. And what does it say about the state of the world that this career-ending story was broken by The National Enquirer? Pitiful.
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
I am a busy, busy lady.

Monday, August 04, 2008
Through the eyes of a 4 year old.
Most of her photos are blurry and/or blank-ish looking because she tends to get WAY too close to her subjects, but sometimes, she nails some interesting shots.
The dog.

The cat.

Me smooching the cat.

Me doing God knows what.

And of course, a ball of tinfoil sitting on the kitchen counter.

I'm sure there are many MANY more interesting shots to come. Stay tuned...