Thursday, June 16, 2005

Bye Bye, Ovaries.

Tomorrow is the big hysterectomy. Good God, I'm scared. They're having to do it abdominally, and they're taking everything. Recuperation promises to be a blast. But luckily I've got my wonderful mother here and friends helping to tend to The Geej. Honestly, I'm far more worried about her than I am about myself. And that's saying something because I'm anxious as hell about this sucker. I've had surgery before, but never anything this major and invasive. Never anything that required "4 to 6 weeks" of recuperation. Nothing that required a "bowel cleanse" the night before the operation. (Ugh. Don't ask.) And it's weird saying goodbye to my girlie parts. I mean, they've given me nothing but trouble for over 10 years, so the misery that comes with chronic, serious "female problems" will be good riddance. But it's going to throw me into menopause (with a baby...what fun!!), and I'm the first one of my friends to have to do this, so I don't really have anyone to comiserate with on any real level.
Oh well. Hopefully they'll give me some kick ass drugs, and I'll be able to get some decent rest, but we'll see...
So I'm signing off for now. I hope to be back in a week or so. But don't you forget about me...

P.S. Earl got in the crib with The Geej last night while she was sleeping. Luckily, I was sleeping in her room, so I heard his big ass lumbering into forbidden space, and quickly grabbed his purring butt and threw him out in the hall, shutting the door behind him. He then proceeded to sit outside the door and cry and shove his gargantuan paw underneath the door a jillion times. What a dork.

1 comment:

GoingLoopy said...

I hope it goes okay and puts an end to the problems...and I'm glad Earl has finally decided he loves the Geej. :)