Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Isn't it easy to see why I loved him so much?

BH was rummaging around through some old photo files he had on his computer and ran across this oldie but goodie of me holding Earl.

If you could only understand the EXTREME purring and snorgling that was going on when this photo was taken, then you'd begin to understand how much fun it was to just cuddle with this big ol' tub of love.

It's been nine months since I had to say goodbye to that sweet boy, and I still miss him like it was yesterday.

Best kitteh evar.


Jaye Joseph said...

ZOMG! He was just so freakin' BIG.

Hecticmom Undone said...

awwww! That's one heck of a cute picture. I sort of can imagine the purring snorgling...

It's already been 9 months? wow - that's crazy...

We lost a super sweet, big, loving, snorgle kitty almost 3 (3??) years ago. We still miss him. We love our other kitties - but still miss him.

Karla said...

He really and truly was a big tub of snorgling love. You know me, not so much a cat person, but Earl was not your average kitty, he was a puddle of love in a cat fur coat. (You can never meet my bro's cat Skeeter, you will cry. He's Earl with a sporty side.)
I miss Earl too. I miss you having Earl.