Valentine's Day Weekend: Went to Oklahoma with The Geej to visit my dear friend Julie and her two kiddos, two cats, and dog. Had a great time just hanging out. Her kids are so great, and she's such a good mom.
The week after Valentine's day was pure nuts:
Monday: traveling back from Oklahoma. The Geej took this photo from the plane, btw.
Tuesday: federal jury duty. At 7:45am. Ugh. Went to the gym and worked out.
Wednesday: back at work with back-to-back meetings all day long. Came home, and my GORGEOUS new oven had been installed by the magical fairies from Lowe's.
Old oven:
New oven:
Thursday: attended a Conflict Management training session in waaaaaay north Austin all day. Went to the gym and worked out after, however, my fookin' feet were hurting so badly because of my craptacular shoes, I had to cut my workout short.
Friday: back at work with (thankfully) no meetings. Played catch up. Had to leave early to go to The Geej's parent/teacher conference. Her teachers are thrilled with how she's doing, and I walked out of that conference with my feet barely touching the ground. I am one lucky mommy.
Saturday: met BH's mom (who was in town for the weekend visiting friends) and my mom for lunch. Mom took The Geej back to Horseshoe Bay with her so that BH and I could work on the Great Master Bathroom Facelift Project of 2009. (I will post before/after photos when it's 100% finished. Right now, it's about 75% finished.)
Sunday: continued work on the bathroom. Searched all over Austin for mirrors for the bathroom. Ended up finding them at IKEA, which is 31 miles from our house. I also purchased a new light fixture for the kitchen while I was there. Got home and realized that 2 of the 3 globes in the light fixture were shattered. Did I mention that IKEA is 31 miles away? When the hell am I going to have time to go back up there and return this thing? Grrrr...
Monday: Worked. Left early to go fetch The Geej from my mom.
Tuesday: Worked. Left early to take The Geej to her dentist appt. (She was SO brave and awesome!! Waaaaaay different than 6 mos. ago when she wouldn't let the hygenists clean her teeth b/c the noise of the brush, water squirter, and spit sucking thing freaked her out too much.) Met bunch of girlfriends out for drinks and dinner and more drinks. Got home way past my bedtime.
Which brings us to today. Fairly normal day, however, I have another all-day training thing at work tomorrow, and I have to be there an hour earlier than normal. Also, I have to do this pre-work and bring 3 copies of it with me to the training session. Have I done the pre-work yet? Am I super freakin' tired? Yep.
So you see, dear friends, it has been a bit crazier than normal in my world. But normalcy is slowly creeping back into my life, so expect some more regular posting from me for the next few days.
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