I'm back from 3 1/2 weeks in Vladivostok, Russia. I've got my BEAUTIFUL enchanting, amazing daughter, The Geej with me. Finally. I'm in full-on single mother mode now. It's a whole new world, folks. If nothing else, I've learned SO much in the past month. Let me now share some tidbits:
1. "Fashion" in Russia = 1989 Bon Jovi concert in Trenton, New Jersey.
2. More rare than an albino tiger? A Russian who smiles for the hell of it.
3. Pickles apparently CAN be served with spaghetti.
4. Apparently if there was a murder committed on a matress, it's okay to keep using it in a hotel.
5. Cat toys make great baby toys and vice versa.
6. There is no limit to the grossness and variety of baby poo.
7. Getting a 9-mo. old to laugh at you is a soul-stirring experience.
8. "Salad" in Russia means any available vegetables sliced up and topped with about a cup-and-a-half of mayonnaise.
9. Babies like cats. Cats don't like babies.
10. Being a mom is a wonderful, frustrating, magical, exhausting, rewarding, mysterious, scary adventure.
I'll write as I have time. There is much to tell. However, since I am barely finding time to take a shower, it's probably going to be sporadic.