Monday, December 04, 2006

The Geej Report

I am happy to report that The Geej's reign of terror at her school appears to be over. For now.

I had my first parent/teacher conference last week, and they used words like "amazing," "brave," "empathetic," "wise," and "joyful" to describe my child. And then this weekend, she was an absolute angel from heaven--as perfect as a 2 year old can be.

She's totally into the whole idea of Christmas now that the tree is up and she sees houses all lit up and whatnot. She's telling me that she wants Santa to bring her "a baby and a house and a blanket." Um...okay. I'll let him know. She's also recently taken up streaking. At any opportunity, she runs around the house in her birthday suit yelling, "I'm NEKKID!!" Hilarious. To top that, she smacks herself on the ass and says, "I'm patting my peaches, Mommy!" I gotta get that on video to show her prom date someday.

I wish I had more news, but I'm fighting back a chest cold and sore throat, which is fun. So for now, I'll leave you with this piece of preciousness:

Say it with me now people: Awwwwwwww!

1 comment:

Karla said...

sounds like the geej wants for christmas what you pretty much got last year.....