Monday, September 05, 2005


I've written before about how much I hate mosquitoes (but really, does anyone NOT hate mosquitoes?), but I have a new level of contempt for the little fuckers. Witness if you will, my poor baby boy, Earl.

This is a photo of him chillin' in the bathtub. Anyhoo, those little red spots all over his nose/face? Mosquito bites. And they're all over his ears too. You see, he's quite allergic to mosquito bites. And because he's made of pure sugar, they're always biting his punkin' head. So he looks like he's got raging acne for most of the summer. I always wonder what the neighbors must think of my ugly little guy.

"Well then, Karla May, you should keep him inside all summer, and that way he wouldn't get all eaten up. Duh."

I could do that. But then he would lapse into a major depression, meow all the time, and piss on everything imaginable. So 100% indoor living is not really an option with this cat. So we just tough it out until it gets cool enough for the mosquitoes to go away. Bless Earl's little scabby heart...

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