Friday, March 30, 2007

Things I did this week.

Below, in no particular order, are some things that I did this week:

- Nearly had a wreck that would have majorly fucked up the front end of my car and the entire driver's side of the other car. A new Lexus.
- Nearly backed over 2 pedestrians.
- Rediscovered how much I like Sebadoh/Lou Barlow.
- Started a new book.
- Thought I was re-setting my alarm when, in fact, I was fast forwarding the time on my clock by about 1/2 hour. Talk about freaking out when I finally woke up.
- Made stir fry with tofu. (The Geej only ate the tofu and the onions. She's CRAZY for onions.)
- Was 15 minutes late to a big meeting that had about 65 people in it and had to enter through the front of the room. Walk of shame...
- Ate some organic chocolate covered cherries and nearly died because they were so good.
- Got serious fashion tips from and spent way too much time obsessing about this woman: "Isn't it glamorous?"
- Had to sit through an 8 hour training at work. 6 hours of it were pretty good. The other 2, pretty awful.
- Had to sit through another 4-hour training at work about how to discipline people who work for me. Unfortunately, "Time Out" and spanking aren't really condoned in the workplace.
- Downloaded "Don't You Worry 'Bout a Thing" by Stevie Wonder. Great. Fucking. Song.
- Got sick and tired of the gloom and the clouds and the rain.

- Got paid.
- Paid my mortgage, car payment, phone bill and credit card bill.
- Managed to spend $95 in 20 minutes at Whole Foods. (I'm a shopping ninja in that place.)
- Had some really good pecan crusted sauteed catfish served over a mixed greens salad with grilled potatoes and a Cajun mustard sauce. SO good.
- Finally finished up a massive, 14-month, multi-faceted project at work.
- Sent Malcontent Mama's b-day card 4 days late.
- Didn't blog as much as I wanted to.
- Snuggled with The Geej every morning.
- Snuggled with Earl every night.
- Didn't get enough sleep.
- Meant to clean the kitchen floor and/or my bathroom every night. Never did.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Snuggling is a VERY good thing. Nuttin' better.

Stevie Wonder is the shit. Then and now.

Speaking of 'then' -- is the Glamour Puss for real? I'm going to have to go google her.