Monday, September 25, 2006

Gottta share.

When I was in the hospital the first time, The Texpatriate sent me a lovely hibiscus plant. It had red blooms on it, and is ready to be planted in my yard if I can ever muster up the energy and will to do so.

The second time I was in the hospital, The Texpatriate sent me the ugliest flower arrangement ever. We have a mutual friend that owns a floral shop, and Karla called all the way from Snoreway to have them whoop me up something awful that she knew I would be able to appreciate. The card read, "Hopefully these flowers are so tacky that they'll scare your ass out of the hospital." Not quite, but nearly.

In case you can't make it out in the photo, there's a whole lot of stuff going on here. No rhyme or reason to the flowers included, some random tropical greenery and fake wheat looking stuff thrown in for the hell of it, two different colors of gingham bows, a fake bird's nest with blue eggs in it, a fake butterfly, a fake bunch of tiny pumpkins. The whole thing looks like it was lovingly assembled by a mental patient.

Also, while I was in the hospital, two major Geej things happened:


She moved out of the crib and into a big girl bed. This was done (with the help of friends) so that I wouldn't have to worry about lifting her in and out of the crib while I am recuperating. And you know what? She LOVES it. There has been no post-night-night wandering yet (knock wood), and it's still strange that she just appears in my room in the morning, all sleepy eyed and bed headed (rather than me going and getting her out of bed). This is just a transitional bed, mind you (the crib matress is still in there), but baby's growing up.


Well, after nearly a year and a half, my big orange cat Earl has finally decided to quit hiding under the be 95% of the time, and has actually made friends with The Geej. Sort of. I mean, he still runs and hides if she's super loud or hyper or is chasing him, but for the most part, he just chills. He even lets her completely lie on him with all of her weight, like he's a big, furry pillow. She says she's giving him a hug, but it's more like she's totally steam rolling him. I have a (sort of blurry) shot of The Geej totally blissed out, simply because she's getting to pet him, but of course Blogger's acting like a moody bitch and decided not to let me post it.


Badger said...

Those flowers make Baby Jesus cry.

Me said...

DAMN, them's some ugly-assed flowers!

Glad you're home, and good-goin' Geej, on the big-girl bed!

And I totally understand about PICC lines. They just suck ass. They tried four times to place one in me when I was getting ready to have my miracle girl. My veins kept spasming, so they ended up placing the line in my neck. Complete suckage, so you have my complete empathy. And damn, you're having to mess with it yourself, which I didn't have to do, so my hat's off to you, girlfriend!

Anonymous said...

So glad to read that you are home!

My son Ivan and your daughter share a birthday (you told me this in a previous comment) so I'm anxious to see how the Geej does in the Big Girl Bed. Ivan's crib converts to a toddler bed and I have been reluctant to move him out of the crib because I dread having to fight bedtime battles with him when he realizes he's free from confinement...

Here's to a speedy and complete recovery for you!

Mommygoth said...

Oh god, I'm so glad you're home. What a crazy series of events! Love the pic of the Geej in her big girl bed with the cats. Miss K would sell her soul to Hades to come over - neither of my cats will let babies touch them!

Anonymous said...

Hey! Your little one has the exact same toddler bed as ours!
Try saying THAT five times really fast!
