Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Because I totally forgot to do this for Father's Day...

This is a photo of a snapshot, so forgive the poor quality, but it's one of my favorites. That's me and my dad when I was 11 mos. old. I've got on my Christmas p.j.'s, and he doesn't have a moustache. Which is rare. I have a few pictures of him without one, but all of my memories are him in his full Burt Reynolds 70s era glory. He was eleven years younger than I am now when this photo was taken, and in this profile view, he and I look so much alike it's freaky.

Anyway, I promise that next year I'll do a photo dad retrospective (because God knows, I've got some AWESOME shots...the 80s home perm era anyone?), but for now, I'll just say I miss him terribly. Especially seeing the Geej wrapping BH's dad Gramps around her little finger, it made me realize how bummed I am that he never got to meet this challenging, amazing, beautiful, spirited, funny little creature. He would've melted completely.

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