Sunday, October 28, 2007

We need glitter, STAT!!

Tonight, the Malcontent Mama was nice enough to host the first semi-occasional "Breed 'Em and Weep Supper Club/Support Group" gathering at her family's house. And what a perfect gathering it was! It was a potluck, so I made a very aromatic and hearty vegan Spiced Lentil Stew. The main course was brisket (thanks, but no), but there were plenty of other offerings for those of us who don't do cow.

The weather was perfect for outdoor play and dining. And it was such a treat to see the Geej just go off on her own to hang with her friends and do her own things. It was cool.

Major case in point: Geej and Annie O (Malcontent's offspring) set up a M.A.S.H. unit type hospital thing in the master bedroom, and informed us that they were... (cue 70s cop-show inspired theme music) Princess Doctors!!

Check those chicks out!! They are focused on the mission at hand: take care of the babies, and be princess-y and fashion forward at the same time. Awesome.

And here they are administering care to a very special patient...right before they had to go do princess-type stuff, involving crowns and whatnot.

Man, I'm glad this field of medical practice has opened up. It's long overdue, and I'm proud to have my daughter be in the first generation of P.D's.

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